Chrysanthemum bouquet
Have a bouquet of chrysanthemums delivered to your home
Through our website you can have the most beautiful bouquets of Chrysanthemums delivered anywhere in the Netherlands. This includes Amsterdam and the surrounding areas such as Badhoevedorp and Lijnden, but we can also deliver to Zeeland or Gelderland. We work with a nationwide network of professional florists. All these florists are also certified by the Sustainable Florist Barometer, which guarantees you a bouquet that is as sustainable as possible.
A bouquet of Chrysanthemums is always a hit
The great thing about Chrysanthemums is that they are full of joy and optimism. It is also one of our florists' favourite flowers because it combines well with other flowers and is available all year round. At the same time, the Chrysanthemum is also a very seasonal flower, because each season has a slightly different variety, with colours to match the season. In spring, for example, they come in bright and cheerful colours such as yellow, lime green and purple, while in autumn they are a beautiful warm red-brown. Always a hit!
Symbolic significance of the Chrysanthemum
As well as being beautiful to look at, Chrysanthemums are also a wonderful symbol of friendship, happiness and health. With a bouquet of chrysanthemums you can say whatever you want to say. Want to wish someone well? Wish them good health with a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Or let someone know how much you appreciate their friendship with one of these meaningful bouquets.
Order Chrysanthemums and have them delivered anywhere in the Netherlands
Who can we make happy for you with a beautiful bouquet of Chrysanthemums? We can deliver your chrysanthemum bouquets to any address in the Netherlands from Monday to Saturday. This can be done at home, but it is also possible to have them delivered to work or a hospital. And if you order before 13:45 (before 11:45 on Saturdays)? We can even deliver your flowers today!