Rond boeket

Round bouquet

A classic round bouquet is always appreciated. Whether it is a birthday, a thank you or a thoughtful greeting, a Biedermeier arrangement is always the right choice. Order before 13:45 and have your bouquet delivered today!

      Round bouquet: go for the classic!

      A round bouquet is a classic. This type of bouquet - also known as a Biedermeier bouquet - is characterised by its round shape, which is created by a special way of arranging the flowers. We call this tying method the sheaf method. This method requires a great deal of craftsmanship from the florist, as each stem must be cut to exactly the right length. This is the only way to create the beautiful round shape. We think this is very beautiful, but some people prefer a more playful way of tying. Do you? Then take a look at the field bouquets.

      Auction fresh Biedermeier bouquets

      At Amsterdam Flowers we take pride in the quality of our bouquets. Every Biedermeier bouquet you order from us is made with auction-fresh flowers: flowers that have been bought at the auction that very morning. We can therefore guarantee that each bouquet will stay beautiful for at least seven days. And if you take good care of them, much longer. Always place the flowers in a place that is not too warm (so not in full sun or over the radiator) and away from draughts and fruit. This will keep them looking good for longer.

      Round arrangements with seasonal flowers

      Each round bouquet is a unique work of art, using a combination of flowers that are available all year round and the most beautiful seasonal flowers. For example, roses and gerberas are used in many of our bouquets throughout the year. In the summer you will see many brightly coloured flowers such as sunflowers and larkspur, while in the spring you will see more pastel shades and, of course, tulips.

      Round bouquet delivery throughout the Netherlands

      Who are you going to make happy with a classic round bouquet? If you place your order before 13:45 (Saturday before 11:45), we can deliver the bouquet that same day in Amsterdam, Amstelveen and the rest of the Netherlands. Of course, it is also possible to arrange a later delivery time: we deliver every day of the year, except Sundays and public holidays.