Blossom beauty bouquet
Bring spring into your home with this enchanting Blossom Beauty bouquet! The graceful blossom branches dance among the cheerful spring flowers, creating an airy whole that will instantly put you in the mood for spring. In this sophisticated bouquet we have combined romantic pink roses with playful white-yellow gerberas and elegant snapdragons. The red-white tulips and soft pink chrysanthemums complete the spring picture. The delicate branches of flowers add that extra touch that makes this bouquet so special. Who will you surprise with this piece of spring happiness?
- Ordered before 2pm (Sat before 12pm), delivered today
- Sustainable florist
- 7-day freshness guarantee
Tips for flower care
Cut flowers diagonally
This allows the flowers to absorb more water. Also make sure there are no leaves hanging or getting into the water to prevent bacteria.
Use a clean, suitable vase
This will prevent bacteria in the water and give the stems room to breathe. Don't forget to add cut flower food.
Do not leave them on a draft...
... by the heater or next to fruit. The wind, heat and ethylene from the fruit will cause the flowers to wilt more quickly.